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Kozlí uši císaře: The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor

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Dávno, dávno, před mnoha lety přišel císař na myšlenku, že bude mít kouzelné uši, které mu umožní slyšet všechno, co se děje v jeho říši. Rozhodl se proto pro chirurgický zákrok navíc. Nikdo však netušil, že místo krásných lidských uší mu budou na jeho hlavě růst uši kozy. Tak začíná příběh o Kozlích uších císaře, který nyní budeme prožívat společně.
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there was an Emperor who had a secret. He was born with goat’s ears, and he went through great lengths to keep this embarrassing fact hidden from his people. He wore his hair long and covered his ears with a crown, and he never ventured outside his palace without being completely covered in a cloak. And if anyone ever saw even a hint of his goat’s ears, he would have them executed immediately.

One day, a young farmer named Martin was passing through the Emperor’s city on his way to the market. He was a curious and adventurous sort, and he had a knack for getting into trouble. As he was walking through the market, he saw a poster advertising a reward for anyone who could solve the Emperor’s greatest mystery – the mystery of his goat’s ears.

Martin, being the impulsive young man that he was, decided to take up the challenge. He spent weeks spying on the Emperor, watching his movements and studying the palace layout. Finally, he came up with a plan. He disguised himself as a tailor and asked to take the Emperor’s measurements for a new cloak.

The Emperor, who was always anxious about his secret being exposed, was hesitant to let anyone take his measurements. But Martin was very persuasive, and he managed to convince the Emperor that he was the best tailor in the city.

As Martin was measuring the Emperor, he noticed something strange. The Emperor’s ears were a little bit bigger than they should be, but they weren’t goat’s ears. Martin realized that the Emperor had been wearing a pair of fake ears all this time, and that it had been all in his head.

Martin couldn’t believe his luck. He had solved the mystery of the Emperor’s goat’s ears, and he was about to become very rich. But before he could finish his measurements, the Emperor caught on to what was happening. He realized that Martin was not a tailor, and that he was trying to expose his secret.

The Emperor was furious. He ordered his guards to capture Martin and bring him to the palace. Martin was thrown into a dark dungeon, and the Emperor ordered that he be executed the next day.

But that night, something strange happened. The Emperor had a dream. In his dream, a wise old goat appeared before him and told him that he was not defined by his ears. He was defined by his actions and his character. The goat told the Emperor that he should be proud of who he was, and that he should embrace his unique characteristics.

The Emperor woke up feeling enlightened. He realized that he had been foolish to hide his goat’s ears all these years. He ordered his guards to release Martin from prison and to bring him to the palace.

When Martin arrived, he was surprised to find that the Emperor was a changed man. He was no longer ashamed of his goat’s ears, and he had decided to embrace his unique feature. Martin was rewarded for solving the mystery, and the Emperor even gave him a pair of goat’s ears – as a symbol of how he had learned to embrace his own differences.

From that day forward, the Emperor was known as the „Goat-Ear’d Emperor“. He was loved and respected by his people for embracing his unique characteristics, and for being true to himself.

The moral of this story is that it’s important to embrace what makes us unique. We should never be ashamed of our differences, because they are what make us special. Just like the Emperor in this story, we should learn to love ourselves for who we truly are, and to embrace our unique features as a source of pride.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce o císaři s kozími ušima se dozvídáme o důležitosti přijetí toho, co nás činí jedinečnými. Císař si své kozí uši skrývá před lidmi, protože se za ně stydí a snaží se je tajit za každou cenu. Když se mladý farmář Martin dozví o císařově tajemství, rozhodne se ho odhalit a přijít tak ke slávě a penězům. Avšak když se mu to podaří, je za to potrestán.

Jenže císař se od pohádkového kozla dozvídá, že by neměl být defino­ván svými ušima, ale tím, co dělá a jakým je člověkem. Přijme svou odlišnost a naučí se ji milovat. Příběh tedy poukazuje na to, že bychom měli být pyšní na to, co nás činí odlišnými, protože jsou to právě tyto rysy, které nás činí jedinečnými. Bylo by tedy vhodné, abychom se učili milovat sami sebe a své rozdíly, protože to je pro nás cesta ke štěstí a úspěchu.

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