Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozí uši císaře a tajemná zahrada

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Byla jednou jedna podivuhodná zahrada, která se rozprostírala za bránou císařského paláce. V této zahradě rostly nejrůznější rostliny, květiny a stromy, a byla obklopena vysokými zdmi, které ji chránily před zvědavými pohledy. Ale co bylo nejzajímavější, byly to Kozí uši, které tam rostly. Lidé tvrdili, že je to magická rostlina, která dokázala splnit tajné přání. A právě o této zahradě a Kozích uších císaře vypráví naše pohádka.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was an emperor who was very vain. He always wanted to look his best and was obsessed with his appearance. One day, he heard about a special plant that could make his hair grow thicker and fuller. He immediately asked his advisors to find this plant and bring it to him.

Část 1: Kozí uši císaře

Jeho poslové se tedy vydali na cestu a brzy narazili na vesnici, kde potkali farmáře, který zrovna čistil pastvinu. Ptali se ho, zda náhodou nepotkal nějakou rostlinu s magickými vlastnostmi. Farář se usmál a řekl, že před nedávnem potkal starého muže, který řekl, že zná takovou rostlinu.

Emperor’s messengers then set out on a journey and soon came across a village, where they met a farmer who was clearing a pasture. They asked him if he had happened to meet a plant with magical properties. The farmer smiled and said that he had recently met an old man who said he knew such a plant.

The messengers immediately went to find this old man who introduced himself as a wise herbalist. He told them that the magical plant they were looking for was called „Kozí uši“ or goat’s ears. The herbalist warned them that the plant had a strange power and could only be harvested in a sacred garden.

The messengers returned to the emperor with the herb, but when he used it, he found that it was useless. His advisors told him that he had been deceived and that the herb was a mere weed. Furious and determined to get richer, he ordered his men to find the sacred garden.

Část 2: Tajemná zahrada

The emperor’s men travelled far and wide searching for the hidden garden where Kozí uši could be found. After many weeks of travel, they finally stumbled upon a small, hidden valley deep in the mountains. In the valley, they found an old gate with a strange inscription that read „Pro každého, kdo sem vstoupí, bude to, co hledá, ztraceno navždy.“

Despite the warning, the men pushed the gate open and entered the mysterious garden. To their surprise, they found a beautiful garden filled with exotic plants and trees. In the center of the garden was a pond with crystal clear water. On the bank of the pond was an old man with a long white beard.

The old man introduced himself as the guardian of the garden and warned the men not to harvest any of the plants in the garden. He told them that each plant had a special power and that it was dangerous to use them without proper knowledge. The men ignored the warning and began to harvest the Kozí uši.

Část 3: Trest

When the emperor heard that his men had found the sacred garden, he was ecstatic. He immediately ordered more men to go and collect the herb. However, when they arrived at the garden, they found that it had withered and the plants were all dead.

The old man appeared before them and told them that they had broken the sacred laws of the garden and that they would be punished for their greed. He told them that the power of the garden came from balance and harmony, and that the men had upset this balance. As punishment, he turned them all into goats with long ears that resembled the Kozí uši they had been seeking.

The emperor was devastated when he heard of the punishment, and he realized the error of his vain ways. He offered to help restore the garden and asked the old man for forgiveness. The old man agreed, and the emperor worked tirelessly to restore the garden to its former glory.

Část 4: Vyčištění zahrady a vítězství

After many days of hard work, the garden was finally restored. The emperor had learned a valuable lesson about greed and the importance of respecting nature. He invited the old man to his kingdom and, together, they worked to teach others about the dangers of greed and the importance of harmony with nature.


And so, the story of Kozí uši císaře a tajemná zahrada became a legend throughout the kingdom. People learned to respect nature and its balance, and the old garden became a symbol of the harmony that can be achieved by working together towards a common goal. The emperor went on to become known as a wise and just ruler, who ruled his kingdom with compassion and respect for all living things.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou jeden císař, který byl velmi namyšlený a obdivoval svůj vzhled. Jednoho dne uslyšel o rostlině, která by mu mohla způsobit, že se mu vlasy rozhořejší. Okamžitě požádal své poradce, aby tuto rostlinu našli a přinesli mu ji. Jeho poslové se tedy vydali na cestu a setkali se s farmářem, který řekl, že potkal starého muže, který zná takovou rostlinu. Starý muž jim pověděl, že tuto rostlinu najdou jen v posvátné zahradě a že má nebezpečné účinky. Když mu císař použil rostlinu, zjistil, že je nefunkční. Byl zmanipulován, protože rostlina byla jen plevelem. Císař ale nevzdal a poslal své muže do zahrady, kde měli najít posvátnou rostlinu Kozí uši. Kvůli své chamtivosti tuto rostlinu přesto sklidili, což způsobilo takový chaos, že trest nedorazil jen na něj, ale na všechny, kteří do zahrady vstoupili. Nejen, že se poslední úroda zničila, ale muži byli proměněni v kozy s dlouhýma ušima. Císař pochopil, že přehnané sebepodceňování je špatné a že musí respektovat přírodu a její rovnováhu. S pomocí duchovního zahrady pomohl obnovit zahradu a učil lidi, že chamtivost má své následky. Také se stal moudrým a spravedlivým vládcem, který uctíval vše živé.

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