Byla jednou jeden koza, který se jmenoval Kozel s císařovými ušima. Tato koza měla zvláštní dar – její uši byly tak velké, že se zdálo, že se táhnou do nekonečna. Kozel s císařovými ušima si na své uši velmi zakládal a rád se s nimi chlubil před ostatními zvířaty v lese. Avšak jednoho dne se stala věc, která změnila kozi život navždy…
Once upon a time in a faraway land of Czechia, there was a young and clever goat named Kozel. Kozel lived in a small village with his family and was known for his sharp wit and cunning mind. One day, he stumbled upon a large field of golden wheat that belonged to the Emperor. Despite knowing that the wheat was not meant for him, Kozel couldn’t resist the temptation and snacked away on the bountiful harvest.
News of Kozel’s misdeed soon reached the Emperor, who was furious upon hearing that someone had dared to steal his precious wheat. Determined to catch the culprit, the Emperor announced that he would hold an open-air court and pass severe judgment on whoever was guilty of this heinous crime.
Kozel, however, was not one to be easily intimidated. He knew he had made a grave mistake by stealing from the Emperor, but he was determined to face the trial and prove his innocence. So, the clever goat came up with a plan to outsmart the Emperor and win his freedom.
On the day of the court, Kozel confidently walked to the stage, his head held high and his hooves tapping rhythmically on the ground. The Emperor, who was sitting on his throne and surrounded by his councilmen, was wary of the goat’s confidence but decided to give him a fair chance to defend himself.
“Kozel, do you have anything to say for your defense?” the Emperor asked in a stern voice.
Kozel cleared his throat and replied, “Your Majesty, I am innocent of the charges brought against me. I did not steal your wheat, for I have no use of it. However, I must confess that I have something that belongs to you.”
The Emperor raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the goat’s words. “What is it that you possess, Kozel?”
“It’s your ears, Your Majesty,” Kozel answered.
The Emperor was flabbergasted. “My ears? What do you mean?”
Kozel smiled shrewdly. “Your Majesty, I have seen how you listen to your courtiers and advisors. You hear their words but not their true intentions. Your ears are much too big to hear the soft whispers of truth.”
The Emperor was taken aback by Kozel’s audacity and blushed at the thought of his large ears. The courtiers couldn’t help but chuckle, seeing their proud ruler being challenged by a mere goat.
But Kozel was not done with his thesis. “Therefore, Your Majesty, I suggest that you strip away your status as an Emperor for a day and trade places with a commoner. Only then will you truly understand the needs and concerns of your people and become a wise ruler.”
The Emperor pondered Kozel’s words and decided to take his advice. He stepped down from his throne, dressed in simple clothes, and roamed the streets of his city, listening to the tales and pleas of his subjects.
Upon returning to his palace, the Emperor was a changed man. He had gained a newfound respect for his people, and his ears had become more attentive to their voices. He pardoned Kozel of his crime, and the goat continued to live happily with his family, respected as a wise counselor and a loyal subject of the Emperor.
The End.
– Prolog
– Kozel u pšenice císaře
– Verdict císaře
– Vyhlášení verdiktu
– Kozelova slova
– Návštěva císaře
– Císařské poznání
– Kozelovo zmilování.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
Pohádka o Kozlovi nám přináší důležité ponaučení. Kozel měl ostrou mysl a šikovného ducha, ale jednou se nechal unést pokušením a ukradl zlatou pšenici císaře. I když si uvědomil, že udělal chybu, rozhodl se tvářit se před soudem nevinně a dokázat svou nevinu. S chytře vymyšlenými slovy se dokázal postavit císaři a ukázat mu chyby jeho vlády. Kozel navrhnul, aby císař vystřídal své místo s prostým člověkem na jeden den, aby poznal potřeby svých poddaných a stal se moudřejším vládcem. Císař se rozhodl jít Kozelovým slovům naproti a po návštěvě města se skutečně změnil a cítil větší vděčnost a respekt k lidem. Tato pohádka nás učí, že i malá zvířata mohou mít moudrost a že poslouchání druhých a respektování jejich potřeb je důležité pro moudré vedení.
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