Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Koza s ušima císaře a jeho vysněný sen (The Goat with Emperor’s Ears and His Dream Sleep)

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Byla jednou jedna koza, která měla zvláštní dar – uši podobné těm císařským. To ji však neudělalo jen zajímavou, ale přineslo jí i mnoho dobrodružství. Jednoho dne se koza dostala za hradby království, kde se setkala s císařem. Ten měl sen, který ho trápil celé noci. A tak začíná naše pohádka o císaři a jeho vysněném snu, který se zdál jen koze s ušima císařovýma.

Once Upon A Time…

Koza s ušima císaře a jeho vysněný sen (The Goat with Emperor’s Ears and His Dream Sleep) is a timeless fairy tale passed down through generations in Czech folklore. This story tells us about how an ordinary goat, living a simple life in the forest, ended up with Emperor’s ears and the surprising twist that followed.

The Goat with Emperor’s ears

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful goat named Alena. She lived a simple life in the forest, spending most of her days grazing on fresh grass and playing with her goat friends. Despite her love for the quiet and unassuming life, her destiny was about to take an unexpected turn.

One day, Emperor Franz Josef I, a ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, lost one of his goat’s ears while hunting in the forest. His soldiers searched high and low for the lost ear, but without success. Unwilling to give up, the Emperor decided to offer a large reward to whoever found the ear, hoping to find it before his goat suffered any permanent damage.

As fate would have it, Alena stumbled upon the lost ear of the Emperor’s goat. As she picked it up, something strange happened – the Emperor’s ear attached itself to her head, replacing her own goat ears. Alena was initially shocked but quickly adapted to her new appearance.

The Emperor’s Dream Sleep

As soon as the Emperor heard about Alena, he was keen to meet her. The Emperor was amazed by this phenomenon and decided to take her with him to the Imperial Palace. He provided her with a luxurious life, and she was pampered and used to entertain his guests. She ate only the finest fruits and vegetables and drank the purest water from the mountain springs. Alena was often the subject of conversations among the guests, and the Emperor was very proud of his prized goat.

However, Alena’s life wasn’t as luxurious as it may seem. She was lonely and missed her simple life back in the forest. She missed playing with her goat friends, and she longed to be outside in the fresh air once again. In her loneliness, she discovered that she had a special talent – she had the ability to make people fall asleep with her soft bleating voice. She would often sing to the Emperor, who found her voice very soothing and calming.

One day, the Emperor had a terrible dream. He dreamt of an enormous fire that engulfed the entire Imperial Palace, destroying everything in its path. In a panic, he called upon all the wise men in the land to help find a way to prevent his dream from coming true. Each wise man had their own suggestion – some offered holy relics, while others suggested praying to the gods. However, nothing seemed to help.

One day, the Emperor fell asleep in the company of Alena, and she began to sing her special lullaby. As he slept, he had the most peaceful sleep he had ever had. In his sleep, he heard a voice telling him to build a well deep enough to reach the underground springs under the palace. The voice promised him that doing this would prevent the fire from reaching the palace and that he would be safe.

The Emperor’s Wealth

The next day, the Emperor commissioned his workers to build the well according to the instructions he had received in his dream. To his amazement and relief, they found that the underground springs were real, and the water was pure and abundant. The fire never came, and the palace remained unscathed.

To show his gratitude to Alena, the Emperor offered her enough wealth to last her a lifetime. However, Alena was wise enough to know that money could not buy happiness. Instead, she asked for her freedom and to be able to return to her simple life in the forest, surrounded by her goat friends.

The Emperor was initially reluctant to let her go, but he realized that Alena did not belong in the palace. He agreed to allow her to leave and provided her with a chariot made of gold and jewels.

The Conclusion

And so, Alena returned to the forest as a hero, with the Emperor’s ear still attached to her head. She was content with her newfound freedom, and her goat friends were in awe of her stories of the palace and the Emperor. Alena had brought a piece of the palace with her, and the forests were never the same again. She continued to sing her special lullaby, and the forest animals would gather around to listen.

As for the Emperor, he was grateful to Alena and her gift of a peaceful night’s sleep. He, too, lived the rest of his life in peace, free from worry of the fire that was never to come.

This fairy tale is a reminder to us that the most invaluable gifts are often the ones that come from the most unexpected places, and that true wealth and happiness cannot be found in money or material possessions, but rather in the freedom to be oneself.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V české folklórní pohádce “Koza s ušima císaře a jeho vysněný sen” se dozvídáme o kozě Aleně, která žila jednoduchým životem v lese se svými kočičími kamarády. Jednoho dne se Aleně přilepilo císařské ucho na její kožušinu. Císař, Franz Josef I., byl ohromen touto zvláštností a nabídl Aleně místo v jeho paláci během návštěv. Alena se sice stala populární, ale začala toužit po jednoduchém životě v lese. Díky svému speciálnímu hlasů mohla uspávat lidi, které potkávala. Jeden den císař snil o ohromném požáru, který se blížil k paláci. Ale díky Alenině zpěvu snil neuvěřitelně klidný sen, kde slyšel hlas říkající, že pokud se postaví studna, ohromný požár palác neuškodí. Studna nakonec fungovala a císař byl vděčný Aleně za to, že jeho sen se nenaplnil. Alena, která si uvědomila, že pravé štěstí je v jednoduchosti, chtěla znovu žít v lese se svými kočičími přáteli, pro které zůstala hrdinkou. Císař jí tak nakonec umožnil odejít a nabídl jí zlatý a drahokamový kočár. Tato pohádka nás učí, že nejcennější dary mohou přijít z nečekaných míst a skutečné bohatství a štěstí lze nalézt pouze v jednoduchosti a svobodě být sama sebou.

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