Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Dcera nebes (The Daughter of the Skies)

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Byla jednou jedna krásná dcera nebes, která se narodila mezi mraky a hvězdami. Její matka byla bohyně nebe a její otec byl pánem všech hvězd. Dcera nebes byla nejkrásnější dcera v celém vesmíru. Její vlasy byly bílé jako sníh, oči měla modré jako obloha a kůže byla jemná jako hedvábí. Pro svou krásu se stala velmi populární mezi lidmi na Zemi. Avšak, jeden den, když se procházela po obloze, se zamilovala do lidského muže a chtěla se s ním setkat. Co se s ní stalo dál? To vám poví pohádka o Dceři nebes.

Once upon a time, in the land of the Czech Republic, there was a beautiful and majestic creature known as Dcera nebes or The Daughter of the Skies. She was a celestial being with long flowing hair that glimmered like stars and skin as white as freshly fallen snow, and her eyes shone like the bright sun in the sky.

Chapter 1 – The Celestial Family

Dcera nebes was the daughter of the Skies, and she belonged to a divine family that was made up of various important elements of nature, including the winds, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Her father was the Sky, and he was responsible for creating beautiful and sunny days, cloudy and rainy days, and even stormy weather. Her mother was the Earth. She was responsible for nurturing and providing sustenance for all living things on the planet.

Chapter 2 – The Forbidden Love

One day, Dcera nebes, while walking in the forest, came across a handsome young man named Jan. Despite his humble appearance, she was immediately drawn to him, and they fell in love. But their love was forbidden, as Jan was a mortal, and Dcera nebes was a celestial being.

Chapter 3 – The Evil Step-mother

Dcera nebes knew that her father would never approve of her love for a mortal man. And so, she kept her love for Jan a secret from everyone, including her step-mother, who was jealous of her beauty and powers.

One day, the step-mother discovered Dcera nebes‘ secret love for Jan and reported it to her father. Enraged, he forbade Dcera nebes from seeing Jan ever again and locked her away in a tower.

Chapter 4 – The Knight in Shining Armor

Jan, meanwhile, was heartbroken at the thought of never seeing his beloved again. But he was determined to rescue her from the tower.

Jan knew that it was impossible to enter the tower from the ground. So he decided to climb up to the top of the tower through the sky. He climbed up to the top and found Dcera nebes imprisoned inside.

Chapter 5 – The Escape

Together, they made their escape, climbing up beyond the clouds, across the skies, and over the mountains. But their escape did not go unnoticed.

Dcera nebes‘ father, the Sky, had discovered their escape and was furious. He sent winds and storms after them, trying to stop them from running away.

Chapter 6 – The Showdown

Jan and Dcera nebes knew that they could not outrun the storms forever. But they were not willing to give up their love for each other. So, they decided to take a stand.

Jan challenged the Sky to a showdown. He asked the Sky to grant him one last wish – to fight him in a duel. The Sky agreed, but with one condition – if Jan lost, he would lose his life, and if he won, he could have Dcera nebes‘ hand in marriage.

Chapter 7 – The Victory

Despite being mortal, Jan was determined and resolute. He fought with all his might and emerged victorious. The Sky, having been defeated, had no choice but to keep his promise.

Chapter 8 – The Wedding

Jan and Dcera nebes were finally allowed to be together, and they were married in a grand ceremony that was attended by the winds, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

From that day on, Dcera nebes and Jan lived happily ever after, enjoying their love for each other, knowing that true love will always triumph in the end.


And so, the story of Dcera nebes, the Daughter of the Skies, teaches us that love is a powerful force that can conquer all obstacles, even those that may seem insurmountable. We should never give up on love and fight for our happiness until we find it, no matter what challenges we must overcome along the way.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Pohádka o Dceři nebes nás učí, že láska dokáže překonat všechny překážky, i ty zdánlivě nepřekonatelné. Dcera nebes a Jan prokázali rozhodnost a odvahu v boji za svou lásku, a i přes nebezpečí a překážky dosáhli štěstí. Pohádka nám také připomíná, že mnoho nepřátel může být vlastně jenom závistivých, a že je důležité být otevřen a přijmout pomoc od těch, kteří nás milují. Nakonec je klíčové být sebevědomý a nevzdávat se, protože štěstí je vždy na dosah, pokud věříme a bojujeme za to.

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