Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Ďábelský tanec

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Byla jednou jedna veselá a krásná dívka, která se vydala na procházku hlubokým lesním hájem plným zázraků a tajemství. Najednou spatřila v dáli zvláštní světelnou kouli a uslyšela zpěv a veselí. Rozhodla se prozkoumat, co se tam děje a brzy dorazila k velkému tajemnému podzemnímu chrámu, kde se konal Ďábelský tanec. A tak začala její nebezpečná, ale nádherná a kouzelná cesta plná tajemství, dobrodružství a lásky. Toto je příběh o Ďábelském tanci, který se uchoval v lidové tradici a získal si srdce mnoha lidí v České republice.
H2 Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a small village named Těšín. It was a peaceful village, where everyone knew each other. People were happy and contented with their lives. Little did they know that wickedness lurked around the corner, waiting to strike.

H2 One day, a mysterious stranger came to the village. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair. He wore a coat made of black leather, and his boots were made of the finest black leather. Everyone in the village was curious about him. They had never seen anyone like him before.

H3 The stranger announces the dance

The stranger announced that he was going to organize a dance that night. He called it Ďábelský tanec or Devil’s Dance. People got excited, and they started to prepare for the dance. The stranger promised that the dance would be like nothing they had ever seen before. Everyone was eager to participate.

H3 The music starts to play

As the night arrived, the stranger arrived in the village square with his band of musicians. The music they played was unlike anything the villagers had ever heard before. The rhythm was captivating, and it made their hearts beat faster. They couldn’t resist the urge to dance.

H3 The villagers start to dance

People started to move to the rhythm of the music. They danced wildly, spinning, and jumping. They were having the time of their lives. But little did they know that the music was casting a spell on them. As the night progressed, the dance became wilder, and people started to lose control.

H2 The dance becomes wicked

As the night wore on, the dance became more and more wicked. The villagers were acting like they were possessed by demons. They started to scream and shout, and their eyes turned red. They were not aware of what they were doing.

H2 The stranger reveals his true identity

As the night approached dawn, the stranger revealed his true identity. He was the Devil himself! He had come to the village to test the villagers‘ morality. He wanted to see how easily they could be swayed by something as innocent as music.

H2 The villagers come to their senses

As the Devil left the village, the villagers slowly came to their senses. They realized that they had been hypnotized by the music, and that they had acted out of character. They felt ashamed of themselves and started to pray for forgiveness.

H2 The lesson learned

From that day on, the villagers never forgot the lesson they learned from the Ďábelský tanec. They realized that they should be wary of anything that seemed too good to be true. They understood that they should remain steadfast in their morals and beliefs, no matter what.

H2 Conclusion

And so, the village of Těšín prospered, and the villagers lived their lives in peace and harmony. They remembered the Devil’s Dance as a cautionary tale, a lesson in morality that they passed on from generation to generation. And whenever they heard music that was too captivating, they reminded themselves of the danger of giving in to their desires. The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou malý vesničkou jménem Těšín v České republice. Lidé v ní žili šťastně a spokojeně do té doby, než se objevil záhadný cizinec. Sliboval jim nevídaný tanec, ale zároveň na něm provedl ďábelskou zkoušku. Cizinec se totiž nakonec ukázal jako sám ďábel. Podařilo se mu lidi okouzlit hudbou a vést je ke ztrátě kontroly nad sebou. Když se ale ráno všichni z toho vzpamatovali, uvědomili si, že byli varováni před nástrahami neznámého a příliš lákavého. Od té doby se lidé ve vesnici naučili dávat pozor na to, co je příliš dobré, aby bylo pravdivé. Podle toho následně jednali a vesnička prožívala nadále poklidný život. Příběh tak zůstal jako živoucí poučka, kterou předávají z generace na generaci.

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