Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Čertův tanec ve tmě

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Byla jedna zvláštní noc, kdy se měsíc skryl za temné mraky a hvězdy se leskly jen jako malé bodlinky na obloze. V této noci se odehrál Čertův tanec ve tmě. Nikdo neví přesně, kdy se to stalo poprvé, ale podle pověstí se to stává každý rok v tuto zvláštní noc. Tento tanec provází mnoho tajemných bytostí a ať už je to pravdivé nebo jen legenda, lidé stále mohou slyšet hudbu a vidět stíny, které se kroutí a tančí vůkol nich. Během Čertova tance se mnoho příběhů a tajemství odhaluje, což dělá z této zvláštní noci něco magického.
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there was a legend about a mysterious dance that took place in the dark of night. This dance was called Čertův tanec ve tmě, which translates to „the dance of the devil in the dark.“

The legend says that once a year on the night of the summer solstice, the devil himself would appear to lead the dance. Only those who were brave enough to venture out into the dark forest could witness the dance and the devil’s presence.

The villagers warned their children to stay inside on this night and not to go near the forest, for fear that they may be tempted to join the dance and never return. Many believed that those who participated in the Čertův tanec ve tmě were doomed to be cursed for eternity.

As the years went by, the legend of the dance faded and became nothing more than a bedtime story to scare children. However, one year a group of young friends decided to venture into the forest on the night of the summer solstice to see if the legend was true.

They walked deep into the forest until they found an open clearing surrounded by trees. As they looked around, they saw a faint glow coming from the center of the clearing. As they approached, they saw the devil, dressed in a black cloak, standing in the middle of the clearing with his arms outstretched.

The group of friends was terrified, but they were also intrigued by the devil’s presence. They cautiously approached him and watched as he began to perform a dance that was both hypnotic and terrifying. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the dark forest as he twirled and leaped around the clearing.

The group of friends couldn’t take their eyes off the devil and the hypnotic dance. They felt a strange force pulling them closer to the clearing, and before they knew it, they were joining in the dance.

They lost all sense of time as they spun around the devil, matching his every move. They felt alive like never before, but as the night went on, they began to feel an overwhelming sense of dread.

The devil’s dance had taken control of them, and they knew they were in danger of being cursed forever. They tried to escape, but the devil’s grip was too strong, and they were forced to dance until the dawn broke.

As the first light of day appeared, the devil vanished into thin air, leaving the group of friends to return home. They never spoke of the Čertův tanec ve tmě again, but they knew that they had experienced something that was both enchanting and terrifying.

Years went by, and the friends grew old, but they knew that the legend of the devil’s dance would live on forever. They often told their children and grandchildren about the mysterious dance that took place in the dark forest on the night of the summer solstice.

And so, the legend of Čertův tanec ve tmě lives on, a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the darkness and the power of the devil’s dance.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Legenda o Čertově tanci ve tmě vypráví o nebezpečném tanci ďábla, který probíhá v noci na letní slunovrat. Skupina mladých přátel se rozhodla uskutečnit legendární tanci a vstoupila do temného lesa, kde se v prostředku mýtiny objevil ďábel v černém plášti, provádějící hypnotizující a hrůzostrašný tanec. Mladí přátelé byli okouzleni a ztratili smysl pro čas. Když však započalo rozednívání, uvědomili si nebezpečí prokletí navždy, avšak nedokázali se osvobodit z moci ďáblů. Příběh nás upozorňuje, že ve tmě potkáváme nebezpečí a člověka mohou zmást pokušení, tajemno i neznámo.

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