Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Březinka a smrt

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Byla jednou jedna krásná země plná písní a zázraků. A v této zemi žil duch Březinky a Smrti – dva protikladní duchové, kteří pečovali o tento svět. Avšak jednoho dne se Březinka zamilovala do lidského prince a toto zakázané spojení mělo tragické následky. Tak začíná naše pohádka o Březince a Smrti.
Once upon a time in a small Czech village, there was a young girl named Březinka. She lived in a modest but cozy cottage with her parents, who were farmers by profession. Their family was known for their hard work, honesty, and kindness toward others in need.

H2: Březinka’s Kind Heart and Love for Nature

Březinka was a nature lover at heart. She spent most of her free time exploring the woods and fields around her village, always looking for new plants to identify and admire. Her innocent and kind heart made her beloved by all the creatures of the forest, from the tiniest ladybugs to the majestic deer.

H3: The Encounter with Death

One day, while wandering through the woods, Březinka met Death himself. He was a tall, gaunt man dressed in black robes, holding a long scythe in his bony hand. Březinka was taken aback by his appearance, but Death spoke to her in a soft and gentle voice, telling her that he needed her help.

H3: The Quest to Help Death

Death explained to Březinka that he had lost his powers and was unable to carry out his duties. He needed her to find three specific ingredients that would restore his strength and vitality. These ingredients were scattered throughout the world and were not easy to find.

H2: Březinka’s Courageous Journey

Březinka, being the brave and adventurous girl she was, accepted Death’s quest without hesitation. She bid farewell to her parents and set out on a journey that would take her through mountains, forests, and deserts. She was determined to find the ingredients and help Death restore his powers.

H3: The First Ingredient

Březinka’s first stop was at the foot of the highest mountain in the world. There, she found a rare flower that only bloomed once a year. She climbed the mountain and braved the cold and wind to pick the flower before it withered away. Březinka’s determination and bravery paid off, and she got the first ingredient.

H3: The Second Ingredient

After leaving the mountain, Březinka journeyed to the depths of the ocean, where she swam among the creatures of the sea. She found a shiny pearl hidden in an oyster’s shell, guarded by a school of fierce sharks. Březinka’s quick thinking and cleverness helped her outsmart the sharks and get the pearl, the second ingredient.

H3: The Third Ingredient

For the third and final ingredient, Březinka had to venture to the farthest corner of the world, where the sun never shone, and the stars never twinkled. There, she found a rare herb growing in a field of snow, guarded by a monstrous beast. Březinka’s bravery and willpower helped her defeat the beast and get the herb, the third ingredient.

H2: Březinka’s Return and Death’s Restoration

After several months of tireless traveling, Březinka returned to the small Czech village with the three ingredients Death had asked for. She found Death waiting for her in her home, and he thanked her for her bravery and determination. He used the ingredients to restore his powers and life force, and he was once again able to carry out his duties.

H2: The Moral of the Tale

This fairy tale teaches us about the value of kindness, courage, and determination. Březinka’s love for nature and her compassion for all living creatures gave her the strength to face Death and embark on a journey that would test her limits. Her story reminds us that no matter how difficult a task may seem, we should never give up hope and believe in ourselves.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byla jednou malé české vesnice dívka jménem Březinka. Milovala přírodu a věnovala se převážně průzkumu lesů a polí kolem vesnice. Jednoho dne se setkala se Smrtí, která ji požádala o pomoc. Musela najít tři ingredience, které obnoví Smrti sílu. Březinka se vydala na nebezpečnou cestu hledání ingrediencí, která obsáhla cestu a tajemství, ale nakonec se jí podařilo obnovit sílu a životní působení Smrti. Příběh nás učí hodnotě laskavosti, odvahy a cílevědomosti. Lekce, kterou se v příběhu učíme, je, že nesmíme ztratit naději a věřit v sebe sama, ať už nás jakékoli obtíže čekají.

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