Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Dramatizace pohádky o perníkové chaloupce

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Byla jednou jedna chaloupka, pečená z lahodného perníku. Její sladká vůně se nesla daleko do okolí a lákala k sobě každého, kdo ji zahlédl. Tato chaloupka nebyla však obyčejnou budovou – měla oživlé stěny, které dokázaly mluvit a pohybovat se. Byla to Nanebevstoupení Štrúdlíka, kouzelná vila, která z perníkové chaloupky učinila své obydlí. Připravte se na neuvěřitelnou pohádku plnou záhad, kouzel a mocné kouzelnice, která vše ovládá. Vítáme vás v pohádce o Dramatizaci perníkové chaloupky.

Once upon a time, there was a poor woodcutter who lived in a small cottage with his wife and children. They barely had enough food to eat, and the winters were long and tough. One day, the woodcutter’s wife had an idea. She said, „My dear husband, let us take our children deep into the forest and leave them there. We cannot afford to feed them, and it would be better for them to die in the woods than wither away slowly.“

The woodcutter was horrified at the thought of leaving his children to die. He knew it was a cruel suggestion, but he didn’t have the heart to go against his wife’s wishes. The following morning, he took his children deep into the forest and left them there. As he walked away, he heard their cries echoing through the trees, and his heart shattered into pieces.

The children wandered around the forest for hours, hungry and scared. As they walked, they came across a clearing where they spotted a gingerbread house. It was unlike any other house they had ever seen. It was made entirely of gingerbread, with candy cane pillars, and a roof made of chocolate buttons. The children were overjoyed and ran towards the house without hesitation.

As they approached the house, a kind old woman appeared at the door. She welcomed the children into her home and offered them food and shelter. They accepted her offer gratefully and devoured the gingerbread house’s walls and candy decorations. The old woman introduced herself as a witch and asked the children their names. The eldest boy said, „I am Jan, and this is my sister, Marie.“

The witch was delighted to have the children as her guests and promised to take care of them. She was lonely and craved the company of children. The children stayed with her for a few days, and the witch treated them kindly. Every day, she would give them gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate, and they had the time of their lives.

One day, the witch had to leave the house to attend to some errands. She warned the children not to leave the house or touch anything while she was away. The witch’s warning went unheeded as Jan and Marie explored the house. They found a room filled with treasure, including gold and diamonds. Their eyes opened wide in amazement, and they started filling their pockets with the treasure.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching the house. They knew it was the witch and quickly hid the treasure. When the witch entered the house, she knew something was amiss. Jan and Marie felt guilty and told the witch what they had done. The witch was furious and locked them in a room.

The witch had plans to cook the children and eat them for dinner. She prepared the oven and started the fire. As she was about to put the children into the oven, they started singing a song. The song was so beautiful that the witch was enchanted by it. She forgot all about her plans to eat the children and sat down to listen to them sing.

The children sang with such passion that the witch’s heart softened. She realized how wrong it was to harm children and let Jan and Marie go. She even gave them some treasure to take with them as they ventured back into the forest. As they left the gingerbread house, they turned back to see the witch waving goodbye to them.

In conclusion, the story of Dramatizace pohádky o perníkové chaloupce teaches us the importance of forgiveness and compassion. The witch’s change of heart shows that even the most wicked hearts can be softened with the right words and actions. This tale is a reminder that every person deserves a chance at redemption, and that kindness can come from the most unexpected places.

Ponaučení z Dramatizace pohádky o perníkové chaloupce

Pohádka o perníkové chaloupce vypráví o chudém dřevorubci, který byl nucen opustit své děti hluboko v lese na přání své manželky. Děti se poté setkaly s milou starou ženou, která je přijala do svého domu, který byl vyroben z perníku. Ta se ukázala jako zlá čarodějnice, která chtěla děti sníst, ale nakonec je pustila díky písním, které zazpívali. Pohádka nás učí a připomíná důležitost slitování, odpuštění a laskavosti vůči druhým, a to i v případě, kdy se jedná o největší zločiny. Tento příběh nás učí, že každý si zaslouží šanci na změnu a laskavost může přicházet z nečekaných zdrojů.

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