Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bozo a myš: Jak Bozo zbili všechny knoflíky na košili před spaním

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Bylo jednou jedno malé myšátko jménem Bozo. Ačkoli byl velmi drobný, měl velké srdce plné odvahy a odhodlání. Jednoho večera před spaním se Bozo rozhodl zapnout všechny knoflíky na své košili, avšak všechny se mu rozbily. Od té chvíle se Bozo rozhodl, že se musí naučit, jak opravit své oblečení, aby byl připraven na jakékoliv dobrodružství, které by na něj v budoucnu mohlo čekat. A tak začala jeho neuvěřitelná cesta plná překážek a záhad, které Bozo musel překonat, aby se stal statečnou myší, která Vám bude dnes vyprávět svůj příběh.
Once upon a time, in a forest far, far away, there lived a little mouse named Bozo a myš. Bozo loved to explore the forest and meet new animals. One day, Bozo met a kind rabbit who gave him a beautiful shirt with shiny buttons.

Bozo was so happy with his new shirt that he decided to wear it to bed that night. As he was getting ready for bed, he noticed that one of the buttons was loose. Being a clever little mouse, Bozo thought he could fix it himself.

He found a needle and thread and started sewing the button back onto the shirt. But as he was sewing, he accidentally pulled on the thread too hard and all the buttons fell off the shirt! Bozo was devastated.

He knew he needed to fix the buttons before his new friend, the rabbit, found out what happened. So, he decided to gather all the buttons and try to sew them back on again. But the problem was, he didn’t remember which button belonged to which hole.

Bozo tried his best to match the buttons to the holes, but he kept making mistakes. One button ended up on the collar, another on the sleeve, and some even ended up on the wrong side of the shirt! Bozo was getting frustrated and tired, but he refused to give up.

He kept working on the buttons until the sun started to rise. By that time, Bozo had managed to sew all the buttons back onto the shirt, but they were all in the wrong places! The collar button had ended up on the sleeve, the button on the left shoulder was on the right side, and so on.

Bozo was so tired that he didn’t even notice his mistake. He simply crawled into his bed and fell fast asleep, still wearing his shirt with all the buttons in the wrong places.

The next morning, when Bozo woke up, he realized his mistake. He looked in the mirror and saw that he looked quite silly with all the buttons in the wrong places. But then he remembered something.

The rabbit had given him the shirt as a gift because he loved and cared about Bozo. He realized that the rabbit didn’t care about the buttons, he cared about Bozo. Bozo felt grateful for the kindness of his friend and decided to wear the shirt proudly, even with all the buttons in the wrong places.

From that day on, Bozo learned an important lesson. He learned that sometimes, it’s the thought that counts and that true friendship is more important than the little mistakes we make. So, Bozo wore his shirt every day, no matter where the buttons were, and he always remembered the kindness of his dear friend, the rabbit.


Bozo a myš: Jak Bozo zbili všechny knoflíky na košili před spaním is a heartwarming tale of friendship, kindness, and perseverance. It teaches us that true friends do not judge us by the mistakes we make, and that the little things in life are not as important as the people we love.

Bozo a myš is a reminder that we should cherish our friends and always be grateful for their kindness. It’s a story that will inspire both children and adults alike, and remind us all of the importance of true friendship.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Dávno, dávno v lese žila malá myška jménem Bozo a ráda objevovala lesování a poznávala nová zvířata. Jednoho dne potkala dobrého králíka, který jí dal krásnou košili s lesklými knoflíky. Bozo byla nadšená a rozhodla se, že košili vyspí.

Při přípravě na spaní si ale všimla, že jeden z knoflíků je volný. Snažila se ho sice s vláskem upevnit, ale nakonec se všechny knoflíky střihnuly a Bozo zůstala znechucena. Věděla ale, že by měla knoflíky před králíkem uklidit, takže se rozhodla je sama zašít. Snažila se je dát zpátky na původní místo, ale nevěděla, který patří kam. Zkoušela je ještě jednou ušít, ale tentokrát se jí to také nepovedlo.

Myška byla unavená, ale nechtěla vzdát. Trvalo to až do rána, ale nakonec uspěla a všechny knoflíky se podařilo navléct. Ale byly na špatném místě! Bozo si vzpomněla králíka a jeho laskavosti a rozhodla se košili nosit i s knoflíky na špatném místě.

Tento příběh nás učí, že skuteční přátelé nás nesoudí podle našich chyb a že malé věci v životě nejsou důležité. Měli bychom si vážit přátel a být vděční za jejich laskavost.

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